Edit Backup Location Dropbox
This page will guide you to edit your Dropbox backup location in Softaculous such as in case of change of Dropbox authorization or the backup path, etc.
Note : Backup on Dropbox feature has been added since Softaculous version 4.9.4.
The following guide will show you how to edit Dropbox backup location in Softaculous.
1) Go to Softaculous Enduser -> Edit Settings -> Click on the Edit icon besides your dropbox backup location in the list of backup locations.

2) Make the changes you want in the details. If you want to change your dropbox authentication, click on the Re-Authorize button.

3) As soon as you click on the Re-Authorize button, the text box to enter your authorization code will be displayed and you will be redirected to the series of Dropbox Authorization steps which will give you the code as done while adding dropbox backup location(Add Backup Location Dropbox).
4) Click on Save Changes button to save your changes.