Create a Python Application
To create/host a python app, please follow the steps below. Navigate to the SOFTWARE section...
How do I transfer my hosting account to Netlight Systems?
How do i turn off Mod Security in cPanel
Please follow the below-mentioned steps in order to turn off mod security for a Cpanel account...
How to Host Node JS Apps in cPanel
To deploy a Node.js application on your hosting, the initial step involves creating the...
How to enable CORS in your hosting account
If you are a developer and need CORS enabled to run your app you can enable it by adding the...
How to redirect my website to another site using cPanel
The cPanel Redirects interface allows you to send all of the visitors of a domain or particular...
How to solve IP address has changed error
CPanel IP has changed Error on login This error mostly occurs when you are in an area where the...
How to upload a website online using cPanel
HOW TO UPLOAD YOUR WEBSITE USING CPANEL 1. Log in to your cPanel account. E.g...